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Volunteer Profile – Tara Hart

Why did you choose to volunteer with Ambulance Wish Queensland?

I choose to volunteer with Ambulance Wish Queensland because I feel I am able to help those complete one of the last wishes that they may have.

How do you see Ambulance Wish Queensland in the community?

A little bit of light at the hardest time of the families life and giving them one last lasting memory to have.

How do you see Ambulance Wish Queensland impacting Wish Recipient’s and their friends and family?

Giving them a lasting memory to have for once there family member is gone and making difference.

Do you have any key memories of a Wish you have been on?

Seeing the happiness in a person eyes as they get to complete there wish no matter how simple the wish is. There is nothing that compare to the happiness and joy that they show. Such an honour to see and be a part of.

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