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Volunteer Profile – Gavin Nichols

What does Palliative Care mean to you?

Being able to provide someone with care, support and compassion

Why did you choose to volunteer with AWQ?

To be able to help a service that is trying to help people full fill wishes and dreams before they die is a privilege and great opportunity to learn more about life

How do you see Ambulance Wish Queensland in the community?

I think the AWQ plays an important role in bringing people in the community together to celebrate life and help people achieve wishes and dreams

How do you see AWQ impacting Wish Recipient’s and their friends and family?

AWQ provides wish recipients, their friends and family, and volunteers with the opportunity to creating important positive memories and experiences, during times that are often challenging and difficult.

Do you have any key memories of a Wish you have been on?

It was a privilege spending time with a father and son and learning about their family history and observing their close bond.


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