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Ellie’s Wish was to see the sunrise at Pallarenda

Ellie, a proud Bindal woman of the Thul Garrie Waja from her grandfather and Wangan/Jagalingou from her grandmother, has always loved being on country amongst the sand, water and sea air and seeing the sunrise at Pallarenda Beach. This land, Wulgurukaba country, was where she spent many cherished moments growing up. Wulguru means Canoe and Kaba means people, so it is the country of the canoe people

On this beautiful winter morning, AWQ volunteer paramedics Michelle and Jayde, brought Ellie to Pallarenda beach just before dawn. Ellie’s sons, Zachary and Ethan, and her dog, Lexi, accompanied her to the beach, where she was greeted with a fresh cup of coffee.

Ellie watched her sons play with Lexi by the water, their laughter mingling with the soft sounds of the waves. As the sun rose, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Ellie felt a great sense of peace. Surrounded by her loved ones, Ellie knew these were memories she would cherish forever. Treasured moments on treasured country.



Thank you to our wonderful wish team Michelle, Jayde and Niskarski for fulfilling this last wish and Josephine Carter Photography for creating memories forever for their loved ones. 

Thank you to our service partner Townsville Hospital and Health Service

Ambulance Wish Queensland is the signature program of Palliative Care Queensland and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government, and we thank the staff and volunteers at both Queensland Health and Queensland Ambulance Service who help our team to fulfil wishes and create memories. 

We would also like to thank our NQ Hub Local Supporting partner The Good Shepherd Home for their sponsorship of Ambulance Wish Queensland’s North Queensland hub.  

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