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Damon’s Wish was to visit Australia Zoo

A Wish that had been on Damon’s list for a long time – A visit to Australia Zoo! 

Having visited almost every zoo in Australia, Damon had etched out this visit in anticipation. And it did not disappoint! Joined by his brothers Adam, Michael, Louis and good friend Audrey, the Wish promised to be an unforgettable experience. 

The highlight of the day? Damon was able to watch on as the elephants walked right up to him and showed off! Incredible animals displaying their playful side up close and personal. Damon and his brothers watched on only metres away as the elephants were fed and taking turns in the water – splashing and swimming. 

This incredible experience was nearly topped by the roaming rhinos, curious meerkats and an extra exciting croc show! But not quite.  

A trip that will be etched into the memories of everyone there for years to come.  










Thank you to our wonderful wish team Vicky, Brett and Katherine for fulfilling this last wish and Annie from Adore You Photography for creating memories forever for Damon’s loved ones. 

Thank you to our service partner Metro South Hospital and Health Service- QEII Jubilee Hospital Palliative Care Team and the support of Australia Zoo on this special occasion.  

Ambulance Wish Queensland is the signature program of Palliative Care Queensland and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government, and we thank the staff and volunteers at both Queensland Health and Queensland Ambulance Service who help our team to fulfil wishes and create memories. 

 We would also like to thank our Foundation Sponsors GQS and Mingary Care for their sponsorship of Ambulance Wish Queensland 

Help us to continue to fulfil more wishes – Please donate  

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