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Australian Paramedic Association of Queensland (APA Qld) – 2025 Ambulance Wish Queensland Cocktail Fundraiser Gold Sponsor!

We’re incredibly pleased to welcome APA Qld as the first GOLD sponsor for the upcoming annual Ambulance Wish QLD Cocktail Fundraiser 

The Australian Paramedics Association Qld is a professional association that promotes, protects, and advances the paramedic profession, ambulance professionals and paramedics in Queensland.  

It is Queensland’s most trusted, influential and engaged paramedic professional body. APA Qld was established in 2005 and has a proud history of protecting ambulance professionals and paramedics and advocating for change.  

APA Qld assists members by providing legal advice and support for paramedics’ professional matters as well as advancing the interests of the paramedic profession by actively participating in reviews and inquiries that lead to improving the profession and the health system. 






Palliative Care Queensland CEO, Louise O’Neill thanked APA Qld for their ongoing support of Ambulance Wish Queensland across multiple years. 

“Our strong relationship with APA Qld is testament to the importance of paramedics, who are vital in supporting people, across Queensland communities, living with palliative conditions and at the end of their lives. They are also one of the most likely professions to volunteer which is exemplified in our volunteer-lead Ambulance Wish Queensland program, where we have a majority of volunteers from a paramedic background.” 

APA Qld said that it was an easy decision to once again support Ambulance Wish Queensland. 

“Ambulance Wish Queensland aligns with our business’s values by prioritising compassion, care, and making a meaningful impact in the community. Just as we aim to support and care for paramedics in need of assistance, Ambulance Wish Queensland works tirelessly to provide comfort and fulfill the wishes of individuals in palliative care, creating lasting memories for them and their families.” 

The Ambulance Wish Queensland Cocktail Party Fundraiser will take place in Noosa on Saturday June 28th 

For all the details, read on

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