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David’s Wish was to take his family fishing

A long-time promise kept. 

Fishing is David’s passion. At his not-so-secret spot, the Hawksbury River, you would see David catching multiple species of fish over many years. David has always wanted to bring his children here, promising that he ‘will take you fishing one day.’ 

But like all things, the years passed and life got in the way.  

Recognising this, David asked for the help of AWQ to take him and his kids fishing. A wish that AWQ was more than happy to fulfil. 

 With his children by his side, David cast a line from the Redcliffe Jetty, waiting for the fish to bite.  On this beautiful afternoon, it wasn’t the keen fisherman who ended up with the catch of the day, but his daughter Danielle, who reeled in a tasty flathead. Everyone clapped and cheered as the fish was bought to shore, and although David didn’t catch it, the smile could not be wiped off his face as the flathead was released back into the ocean. 

 The day ended with family time at the local RSL, digging into a seafood basket close to the shoreline.



Thank you to our wonderful wish team John, Sue, Dale and Natasha for fulfilling this last wish and Annie from Adoreyouphotography for creating memories forever for their loved ones. 

Thank you to our service partner Metro North Hospital and Health Community Palliative care Service and the support of BCF Rothwell on this special occasion.  

Ambulance Wish Queensland is the signature program of Palliative Care Queensland and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government, and we thank the staff and volunteers at both Queensland Health and Queensland Ambulance Service who help our team to fulfil wishes and create memories. 

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