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Katherine’s Wish was to visit her Granddaughters new home

Spending time with family is always a special Wish.  

For Katherine, seeing her Granddaughter’s new family home was up there as her number one wish.  

Surrounded by 3 generations and reunited with her pooch Tilly, Katherine enjoyed lunch on her Granddaughters home patio. With champagne in hand, and a beer not too far behind, Katherine and her family listened to the beautiful sounds of the local Bell Miner Bird (who had its eye on their homemade lunch), sharing love and laughs.  

Wishes like Katherines are simple but beautiful. Food for the soul. Spending time with her family outside the confines of a hospital setting, Katherine soaked in and enjoyed the day to fullest.




Thank you to our wonderful wish team Sue and Amanda for fulfilling this last wish and Adore You Photography for creating memories forever for her loved ones. 

 Thank you to our service partner St Vincent’s Private Hospital Community Palliative Care Service on this special occasion.  

 Ambulance Wish Queensland is the signature program of Palliative Care Queensland and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government, and we thank the staff and volunteers at both Queensland Health and Queensland Ambulance Service who help our team to fulfil wishes and create memories. 

We would also like to thank our SEQ Hub Local Supporting partner GQS and Mingary Care for their sponsorship of Ambulance Wish Queensland’s South-East Queensland hub.  

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